Job means Jump Out of Bed. For how long will you continue to jump out of bed; when you can create your own system of residual earning? You determine when to wake up, what to eat, where to go and what to do. You are not restricted by anything and anyone. A life of freedom where money is no longer an issue. Join the team today and reshape your destiny!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Pseudo Christianity and Islam the holy war continues

By Don Koenig

There has never been any love lost between the Islamic nations and the nations of the West. It all goes back to the time of the crusades when the Catholic Church and Islam were fighting for ideology and control of the known world. Today nothing really has changed between pseudo Christianity and Islam except for the weapons of warfare.

In recent times the West with its vastly superior military has dictated policy to these nations but now that there are Islamic nuclear weapons, the Islamic nations will try to force a change.

Islamic countries for the most part will unite against the West over hatred of Israel, western interventionism in the Middle-East and western values. Many also believe that war against (what they call) the infidels is the will of Allah. The West with its need for oil will try to retain control over the area. The clash between the two civilizations will help bring to power the man who is commonly known as the Antichrist but this prophetic figure will not be the same Mahdi figure of Shiite Muslim fantasy as some now believe.

Is Allah the Creator?

Some say that saying "Allah" equates to saying "God" in the Arabic language. That might seem reasonable in the thinking of some but it is not really the name that we put on God that is important anyway. What is important is that the God we confess by any name must be the God who actually revealed Himself and the one that exists. He must be the God who created the universe. Any other god is not God at all.

Many in ancient times thought Baal was the most high God but the attributes they assigned to this non-existent god were not those of the Creator. We see in scripture that the real God of creation took serious issue with those who worshiped this counterfeit. With that in mind we will see that there simply is no Creator in heaven that has the attributes of the God displayed in the Qur'an and Islam.

There were many demon gods being worshiped in the Middle East prior to Mohammed. He taught that the moon god (Allah) was the most high god. Today as proof we still see the moon displayed on most Islamic flags, but how do we know the moon god of Mohammed is not the Creator?

What is the proof that the real Almighty God is not the Allah of Islam?

God in the Bible has a Son --- Allah has no Son
+ God is knowable (Joh 17:3) --- Allah is unknowable
(Think this is not true? find me one Islamic radio station that plays songs about Allah's follower's loving relationship with their God? Christianity has many thousands of such songs for their God. In Christianity God is known through the loving nature of God's Son. Since Islam denies the Son of God, it also denies the God that the Son is the express image of. If Jesus is the express image of God like the Bible declares (Heb 1:3), and the Son created all things like the Bible declares (Eph 3:9) then the true God cannot be known to man through the teachings of Islam because God's attributes revealed in His Son are denied by Islam to be those of God.)

+ God is spoken of as a personal being --- Allah is not understood as a person.

+ God is a Trinity (1 Jo 5:7) --- The Quran explicitly denies the Trinity.

+ God is trustworthy (Psa 62 : 8) --- Allah is not trustworthy (he is capricious).

+ God loves His creatures (Joh 3:16) --- Allah does not.

+ God became flesh (in Jesus) (Php 2:7) --- Allah has yet to become flesh.

+ God exhibits grace (2 Co 8:9) --- Allah does not.

+ (These bullet statements are from the from the book "The Islamic Invasion", by Dr. Robert Morey, the comment in Italics parenthesis is mine.)

Many Arab and Moslem states will unite against the West and against Israel

There are at least three separate wars in the end times against Israel. The details are given in Psalm 83, Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, and the gathering of all nations against Israel described in the book of Revelation and by many Bible prophets. The war in Psalm 83 and the war in Ezekiel involve mainly what are now Moslem countries. They are not the same war because different tribal nations are mentioned in each. Which war comes first is open to debate.
The likelihood is that the West will now continue to help Iraq develop their huge oil reserves and that Iraq will become a very wealthy country.
In my opinion, the rebuilding of Iraq is necessary for literal prophecies about Babylon in the last days to be fulfilled.

Damascus will be destroyed

Scripture says that Damascus will be uninhabited and a heap of rubble. This has never happened in all of history but this probably will be fulfilled in the near future by a nuclear response from Israel or a massive earthquake. It is interesting that Syria is not mentioned in the Ezekiel war. She probably has been destroyed before that war. It seems like the Psalm 83 war will occur before the Ezekiel 38-39 war because the names of the tribes that come against Israel in the Psalm 83 war are tribes that immediately surround Israel, but the tribes mentioned in the Ezekiel 38-39 war are only more distant tribes.

Ezekiel names the nations that come against Israel in the latter days

The nations that come against Israel are named by tribe in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. They include a great power from the far North from tribes which settled in Russia and areas around Russia. The rest of the nations that come with this northern leader are all Islamic nations today. Arabia and possibly Iraq are not identified with them unless Iraq is identified by Ezekiel as being part of Persia. It is more probable that Iraq will not be one of the nations that comes against Israel during this war. Arabia is specifically mentioned as not being part of this invasion. Arabia, known as Sheba in Ezekiel is Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The most likely reason that these oil rich nations will not take part, is that the West that purchases most of their oil will be opposed to this invasion and will still maintain troops in those nations (Tarshish and her young lions in Ezekiel).
After the defeat of these armies by God, Iraq (Babylon) may become the major player in the Middle-East and may become the site of the world government headquarters. Several years after the Ezekiel war, Iraq (Babylon) may play her own role in a great war against Israel. Her final destruction is spoken of in Isaiah, Jeremiah and the book of The Revelation.

There will be a war between the West and Islam

The US has begun a war on terrorism due to the 9/11 attack on the twin towers. There may be some initial successes in this war on terrorism but this limited operation cannot possibly address the root causes of terrorism and it will continue. The root cause is the hatred of Israel, Christianity, western values, and all religion that does not worship Allah. Christianity is not tolerated in Islamic nations and hatred against Israel and the West is taught in homes and in schools. Islamic people will never be content with Israel's existence in the Middle-East and with a world that is controlled by the "infidel" West. It is obvious that sooner or later a spark will kindle the fires of a "holy war". It does not really matter if the West does all it can to avoid a "holy war" with Islam by politically correct speeches of appeasement, because in the end Islam will bring the "holy war" to the West by those who follow what their religion actually teaches. The intolerance this religion has for anyone that is not Moslem is displayed in all countries where Islam is in control.

A study of demographics should also make it clear that Moslems will grow in numbers in the world because of their much higher birth rate and their taking over territory by conquest. Even many western countries will see a huge increase in the followers of Islam. A third of all school children in some western European nations are now Moslems. Think about what conditions will be like in Europe when all these Muslim kids grow up. It is a reality that most Moslems will not assimilate into the populations of Western nations and this is already causing a right wing backlash against Middle-Easterners in Europe (i.e. France is for the French). All of this is a formula for a time bomb that appeasement will not defuse.

What role will Iraq (Babylon) play in these end times?

At least part of Iraq will play a role in the early war of Psalms 83 and that war is most likely before the Ezekiel chapter 38-39 war but exactly how this will impact Iraq as the end time fulfillment of Babylon is anyone's guess at this point.

After a great war against the more radical states in Islam I think that the United States, Europe, and the UN will help Iraq prosper. They will make Iraq a show place in the Middle-East by giving Iraq many billions of dollars from a coalition of many nations to rebuild its infrastructure and oil producing capabilities. Once the oil is pumping, the wealth will come from sales of oil to the West. Under this alliance, a peace agreement will be made between Israel, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia and oil money will bring in many multinational corporations that will pour huge resources into Iraq. Oil will flow through pipelines in Israel and most of the elite in Iraq will not want anyone to upset this apple-cart and they will deal harshly with the radical elements who try. Terrorism and the support of radical Islamic fundamentalism will be outlawed in these nations. Iraq sits on a sea of oil with reserves that are probably larger than Saudi Arabia. This oil will bring prosperity in Iraq that will set the stage for the fulfillment of scripture about Babylon's (Iraq's) end time role.

(Some prophecy teachers think that only the United States has the prosperity, shipping ports, and influence to fulfill the prophecies in the Bible about Babylon. The problem with this erroneous teaching is that the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah make it abundantly clear that these end time events will happen in the same land of ancient Babylon). I speak much more about this in
chapter 18 of my Revelation Commentary.

A scenario for Russia to move into the Middle-East:

At a time when many Christians disappear from the earth (rapture) and/or when the United States is especially devastated by the loss of many people and leaders with infrastructure disruptions (i.e. no electrical power, financial collapse and riots), at a time when Europe has internal and external trouble because of Islam, an idea will come into the mind of the leader of Russia that this is a good time to align with the non Arabian alliance. Russia will then move against Israel to take a spoil and fulfill their dream of warm water ports and an end to Western influence over the Middle-East oil fields. The Moslem nations that come with Russia are all mentioned by tribe in Ezekiel. It is likely that Iraq, Jordan and Arabia will remain under the influence of the West and will not join in this Russian and Islamic invasion against Israel. This war will end with divine intervention by God to protect Israel.

This divine intervention will be a witness to the whole world that there is a God protecting Israel. It will start a worldwide movement where all religion with monotheistic beliefs unite on the philosophy that there is only one Almighty God. The leadership for this movement will be led by the Vatican in Rome. This world religion will help a world dictator rise to power who will later fulfill the role of the Beast and the Antichrist. This world movement will end fundamentalism and replace it with an all inclusive pluralist religion that includes the teaching of Judaism, Islam, Christianity and other religions under the philosophy that many paths lead to the same God. The religion is likely to preach an all inclusive brotherhood of man under a one God concept.

All this will set the stage for the prophetic seven-year covenant that the leader in Europe will make with Israel. At that time two prophets will come with much power to preach the coming Kingdom of the Jews under Jesus. Power also will be given to 144,000 Jews who will preach the gospel of the Jewish Kingdom to the whole world as a witness. Much of the world will reject the teaching of any Jewish Kingdom that would put them under God's laws and under Jesus. We are told in scripture that the seven-year covenant with Israel will be broken at the mid-point when the world leader becomes incarnated by Satan, gets filled with pride, enters the completed third Jewish temple and claims to be God. By killing the two prophets of the God of Heaven, this Antichrist, will prove to himself and all those that hate God that he is above anything called God.

All in the world who did not love the truth of the kingdom of Jesus will rejoice and be deceived by him and his false prophet. He will be embraced by many of what are today Muslim people because the God they worshiped (Allah) has the same attributes as Satan as described in the Bible. They may even believe that this man is the incarnation of their Allah
but this man will actually claim to be above every name called God. All people on earth who do not worship Jesus/YHWH will believe that this man is God, not just those who may or may not still be called Muslims at this point. This man will then move the seat of his power from Rome to Babylon (Iraq) where a temple will be built for him and a city of gold (Zec 5:11, Isa 14:4).

Where all pagan worship began in the first place under Nimrod it will all end. Babylon is where people began worshiping the created in place of the Creator. This will also be the place where all worship of the created will end (Satan was created). The followers of Jesus/Jehovah will not comply with the counterfeit god who has the desire to be worshiped as God. With the help of lying deception and great wonders from his false prophet he will launch a worldwide persecution against all who will not worship him and take his 666 initiation mark. He will gather all nations for war against the God of Israel (YHWH/Jesus) and the descendants of Israel. Jesus will defeat him and all who worship him at the time appointed for Jesus to return in the clouds of heaven in great power and glory. The blood of the army that was gathered against Israel will flow the entire length of Israel. Scripture indicates that after this happens much of Jordan and Iraq will become perpetual uninhabited wastelands.

How the "holy war" with Islam will bring in the Antichrist?

There are now large Islamic populations in most European countries and among these populations are those trained in terrorism. When the war between the West and Islam does occur it will be totally necessary to isolate Islamic peoples in Europe in concentration camps. In order for this round-up to be successful these states will have to become police states. This police state will get out of control and ultimately bring about the Beast Antichrist government and system. Hitler's reign was a foreshadow of how this could come about but instead of a national socialist movement there will be a world pseudo Christian dominionist socialist movement. When the satanically possessed European dictator comes on the scene he will somehow appease Islam and they will join with the one world church movement. Later, the dictator is killed and becomes incarnated by Satan. At that time he will claim to be God. He will move the world government headquarters to Babylon and he will turn on and destroy the harlot world church. He will be easily accepted by many Moslems as their concept of "God" because he has the same nature as their Allah. He will seek to kill all those who will not worship him as God.

Islam is setting the foundation for the Antichrist Beast world system

Islam now totally controls or has major influence over more than forty nations in the world. In most other nations Islam is a rising force. Islam controls the masses by force and when it has control it does not tolerate other religions or those who do not adhere to its dictates. Islam in reality worships the god of this world and his name is Satan. When the god of this world becomes incarnate in the man we call the Antichrist he will be recognized by those in Islam as Allah. I am not saying that the Antichrist is Islamic. I tend to think the Antichrist figure when incarnated by Satan will claim to be Zeus and will have supernatural help from fallen angels. The Beast with its Antichrist and kingdom will be more of a "New Age" concept that any existing monotheist religious concept.
My point is that the demonic leaders of Islam will recognize him as their own concept of God and the followers of this counterfeit god will use the world network already in place in Islam to rapidly bring in the forced world religion and political system of the Antichrist (It will not be Islam, it will identifiable with New Age beliefs and spiritualism). We get a strong signal from the book of Revelation about the power base of the Antichrist because like the Islamic fascists of today they also behead their enemies.

Signs of the time

The Arab/Islamic nations are at most a decade away from becoming militarily powerful enough to be a major threat to world peace and prosperity.

Islam is a rising force in the world with a "God" who has all the characteristics of Satan. Many that follow this religion think Allah wants them to sacrifice the lives of their sons to oppose the people that the real God of creation said would dwell in
His land forever (Israel).

We see the stage being set for events to happen precisely as recorded in the scriptures. The peace process now ongoing over Israel and Jerusalem is being played out on cue. Scripture says that Jerusalem will be a burdensome stone to all the nations and all that trouble themselves over her will be cut to pieces.

Iraq's (Babylon's) role will be at the very end of the age. Iraq will become a major world financial power through oil and the influence of the Antichrist. Other events of the tribulation such as the war that Ezekiel saw will begin several years before the final role of Babylon. All the pieces will be in place for this to start to play out in a decade or two.

After the first series of wars, the Beast that rises out of Europe will enforce an agreement with many nations in the area for seven-years but the treaty with Israel will be broken after just three and one-half years. Today we see a final peace agreement over Jerusalem being worked out. It will at some point fail and lead to the wars of Psalm 83 and the brokered peace of the Antichrist. If we can see a peace agreement being worked out over Jerusalem today to try to prevent this war, then how close are we to this war? I believe it will certainly happen in this generation.

For more information on the truth about Islam:
The Cult of the Moon God, from

Islam's Split Personality, by Jack Kinsella (why two different world views originate from the Koran)


Tuesday, 25 August 2015


 Friends, Satan is doing his very best to suppress the truth because he knows the Bible, and he knows Bible prophecy. Satan is full aware that the truth is the most powerful weapon to use against him and his deceptions. Which is why he is doing all he can to keep the people entertained, so that they cannot see what is right in front of them.
WARNING: An innumerable host of evil angels are spreading over the earth. They are not only crowding government institutions, but also the churches. They are doing Satan's work, and soon they will perform great 'signs and wonders' to deceive the whole world. Our ONLY safety is to anchor our lives upon the Word of God. Please submit your life to Jesus Christ today! Find out ... WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?
When we seek and learn the truth and then live according to it, the enemy's deceptions become useless, because we then come under the Spirit and power of God, which Satan CANNOT penetrate. This is why it is so important to seek and learn the truth in these end times we live in. The news is full of prophecy fulfilling images today. All the Biblical signs of the end times have been fulfilled like never before in history, and we are living during the last "hours". Just take a look at the prophecy fulfilling news events below:
"Wall Street crashes after China suffers worst trading day in eight years and Russia's rouble falls to all time low in chaotic trading ... David Madden at IG thinks today's unprecedented events have hallmarks of the frenetic trading at the height of the Lehman crisis."
This will be another big step in the direction of the cashless society, and towards the prophesied enforcement of the mark of the beast.
THE EARTH BEAST OF REV.13 - America continues it's buildup of Military all over the world (August 2015)

3,200 US troops to be deployed in Peru - "Peruvians marched in the capital city Lima to protest the planned arrival of more than 3,000 US military personnel and the continued US military intervention in the South American country, local media reported on Thursday ... Demonstrators protested the government's decision to allow the US to send 3,200 soldiers armed with weapons, ships, and planes to Peru, whose arrival is expected September 1, Prensa Latina news agency reported." (source)
Sweden to increase Military co-op with America - "Sweden will increase its military cooperation with the United States, according to Swedish Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist. In an interview published on Saturday, he said the reason was Russian actions which had unsettled the security situation in Europe." (source)
American forces in South Korea on high alert - "The United States has put its forces in South Korea on a heightened state of alert - known as 'enhanced status' - as war between Seoul and Pyongyang looms ... Despite the high tensions, the United States resumed joint war games, known as Ulchi Freedom Guardian 2015, with South Korea on Friday following a brief suspension on Thursday." (source)
America has 800 military bases OUTSIDE of the US! - "The U.S. has around 800 military bases outside of the nation's borders. They're home to hundreds of thousands of troops and family members, and, in many cases, they're a cause of controversy." (source)
No other country matches the 'Earth Beast' of Revelation 13 the way the United States of America does. No other country comes close to matching the world wide influence and military presence of America. And what does Revelation 13 tell us that the earth beast does? It is the nation that 'causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.' (Revelation 13:16). Only America has the influence and power to be able to do this throughout the world.
There is also another beast in Revelation 13. And this is the beast which has it's mark enforced upon the world. This beast is none other than the Papal Church of Rome, with the pope (THE MAN OF SIN) as it's leader. And with the pope going to America in September to speak to the LAWMAKERS there, we will soon see the earth beast (America) 'speak and cause' the world to take the mark of the Roman Catholic Church (enforced Sunday rest).
Massive explosions and fires occuring around the world, hundreds killed! (August 2015)
"Rising death toll as firefighters lost in gigantic China blast - And most tragically, there's the steadily rising death toll. By Thursday night, officials said 50 were confirmed dead, and of the 700 injured crammed into the city's overwhelmed hospitals, 71 were in a serious condition." (source)
"At Least 60 Killed, 200 Injured in Baghdad's Sadr Explosion - According to the witnesses,a refrigerated truck packed with explosives blew up in a crowded market in Sadr City, a Shi'ite district in northeastern Baghdad." (source)
"River on fire! Huge flames after oil spill ignites in Moscow - The Muscovites were terrified, with some even suggesting a nuclear war has begun, after a gigantic plume of thick black smoke rose hundreds of meters above the Russian capital's skyline Wednesday." (source)
"Wildfires have burned close to 300,000 acres in Northwest America - Wildfires have burned almost 300,000 acres in Washington, Oregon and Idaho in the past 90 days as of Wednesday morning. Thirty-four different fires are listed as active between the three states." (source)
Can you see what is happening in this world friend? We are living in the last days and the signs are there for all to see. Please don't put your trust in yourself, your family, your pastor or your government leader. No one in this world is going to sort out this mess, as this world as we know it is prophesied to come to an end one day soon. Please put your trust and submit your life to the only one who can really help you - Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Find out WHAT YOU MUST DO TO BE SAVED.
"This is a briefing about Trident Juncture 2015. We thought it's a good opportunity to start early to brief you on an important exercise that will take place this autumn. In fact it will be NATO's biggest exercise in over a decade ... Trident Juncture 15 will take place in October and November, mainly in Spain, Italy and Portugal. It's one of a series of long-planned exercises to ensure that NATO Allies are ready to deal with any emerging crisis, from any direction, and that they are able to work effectively with partners in tackling any crisis ... Overall we expect over 36,000 troops from 30 nations to take part - that includes NATO Allies as well as seven partner nations. And those partner nations are Australia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Sweden and Ukraine."
We can see more and more that America is fulfilling the role of the 'earth beast' of Revelation 13. The USA is the only nation that is capable of 'causing the WHOLE WORLD' to receive the mark of the Roman Catholic beast.
"Retired US General Wesley Clark suggested that radicalized youth in America and other Western nations should be segregated the way Nazi sympathizers were held in camps during World War II ... If these people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they are disloyal to the United States as a matter of principle, fine, that's their right. And it's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict."

Don't think this will be limited to 'radical Islamists'. No, this is all part of Satan's wider plan to outlaw and imprison true Christians who stand upon the Word of God. Revelation 12:17 tells us that Satan is enraged with God's remnant people who keep God's commandments and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (ALSO SEE HERE). So Satan's main plan is to make war with true Christians, not Muslims. And when Revelation 13 is fulfilled, wherein the IMAGE OF THE BEAST is fully formed in America and the MARK OF THE BEAST is enforced, then these camps will be put into use for those of us who stand upon God's Word in the Bible.
Revelation 13:15-17 ...'And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'
People of God, NOW is the time to wake up from your slumber. We are not calling you to rise up against the government like many people are calling for. No, we are calling you to form a character in Jesus Christ, ready for the time of trouble just ahead of us. Leave politics and the government well alone, as prophecy WILL be fulfilled. Please turn from your sins. Lay off all unecessary worldly things, and DEVELOP A RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST so you are not found wanting as judgment draws to a close.
"Yes, Pope Francis is encouraging civil disobedience, leading a rebellion. Listen closely, Francis knows he's inciting political rebellion, an uprising of the masses against the world's superrich capitalists ... Forget the circus-clown-car distractions created by Trump vs. the GOP's Fab 15. Pope Francis is the only real political leader that matters this year. Forget the rest. Here's why: Pope Francis is not just leading a 'Second American Revolution,' he is rallying people across the Earth, middle class as well as poor, inciting billions to rise up in a global economic revolution, one that could suddenly sweep the planet."
Let me tell you what Revelation 13 says. It says that two beasts, the earth beast and sea beast (AMERICA and THE PAPACY) come together and call the people of the world to rise up and make an IMAGE OF THE PAPACY. A uniting of church and state, which will enforce Roman Catholic SUN-day worship upon the world. The call is going out from this man of sin to cause the people to rise up and create a 'new order'. And if you want to know what this new order will look like. Take a look at what the world was like when the Roman Catholic Church ruled!
"Drama in Athens reflects a bigger truth: precarious countries across the globe owe trillions of dollars to lenders and investors who must be repaid ... new analysis by the Jubilee Debt Campaign reveals that Greece's plight is far from unique: more than 20 other countries are also wrestling with their own debt crises. Many more, from Senegal to Laos, lie in a debt danger zone, where an economic downturn or a sudden jump in interest rates on world debt markets could lead to disaster."
Many countries all over the world are now being brought to their knees by those few in control. And all of this will lead to Satan's ultimate goal. To form a cashless society all over the world and the enforcement of the mark of the beast.
It's coming friends. The final stages of this world's history are right upon us, and the only way to secure any kind of future is by submitting our lives to Jesus Christ. Have you turned from your sins and given your life to Christ? NOW is the time!

Monday, 24 August 2015

World current events, trends, signs of the end times and Bible prophecy

  Fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy was not possible until Israel once again became a nation dwelling in her promised land with Jerusalem as her capitol. The restoration of Jews to their promised land is one of the prophetic signs of the end times but there are many other world current events, world trends and signs of the end times that indicate that the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is now at hand. Many in the world will find out too late that they are on the eve of destruction after the rapture of faithful Christians is followed by the arrival of the great tribulation, the great deception, and the Beast Antichrist.
The book of Daniel tells us that seventy sevens of years (490 years) is determined upon Israel and the Holy City to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most Holy. Thus far, 483 years (69 weeks of years) have been historically completed. After the 483rd year Daniel tells us that the Messiah would be cut off (Jesus). We know that the last seven years of this prophecy were never historically fulfilled because there was no restoration in the land of Israel or judgments as the prophets clearly declared. Therefore, we now should understand that the fulfillment of the last seven years for the Jewish people comes after the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (Luk 21:24).
The times of the Gentiles is the age of God's grace to all nations who come to the Messiah through their trust in Jesus. After the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled there still remains the final seven years of transgression for the nation of Israel after which she will be restored to her rightful place as head of the nations. The prophetic scriptures indicate that toward the end of this tribulation period she will repent, call on the name of her true Messiah and at that time He will come to rescue her from the Beast Antichrist and establish the promised Jewish kingdom on earth.

Daniel, also tells us that the last seven years begins when Israel signs or confirms a covenant with a world leader that scripture identifies as the Beast (Antichrist). Jeremiah, in his prophecy, calls this time the time of "Jacob's trouble" (Israel's trouble). Daniel, Jesus and John in Revelation speak of 1260 days of great tribulation just before Israel's restoration. During this period true Israel accepts Jesus Christ as her true Messiah and at the end of the 1260 days Jesus comes to earth in great power and glory and destroys all of the armies of the world that the Beast Antichrist deceived to come against Israel. The Beast Antichrist and his False Prophet will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire. Jesus will then set up the promised kingdom age of peace and justice on earth ruled from Jerusalem for one thousand years
The 1260 day period, also known as the "great tribulation" and the "day of the Lord", will begin when the Beast Antichrist enters the rebuilt Jewish temple and claims to be God. He and his false prophet will deceive the whole world. Jesus warned in in His Olivet discourse that this event would mark the time of the worst destruction on the earth that it will ever know. Jesus said if He did not shorten the days of this destruction no flesh would survive.
Jesus will remove His faithful Church sometime prior to these 1260 days of great tribulation and great deception or strong delusion. Those that remain and go through this end time turmoil on the earth will ultimately have to make a choice. Those that remain in the world will either choose to worship the Beast Antichrist that will appear in the image of Satan as the counterfeit god of this world, or else they will choose the true image of God and the true Creator of this world (Jesus). Most that will not worship the Beast Antichrist counterfeit god will lose their physical lives but in losing their lives for faithfulness to Jesus their eternal souls will be saved.

I believe most people living in the world today will see the fulfillment of these end time Bible prophecy events. Most world trends, church trends, world current events and prophetic signs of the end times indicate that the world is now on the eve of destruction and near the great deception that was foretold in the Bible. All world trends correlations seem to indicate that the Beast Antichrist will be on the scene around 2030AD. Most of the conclusions in each of the 25 world trends articles in this series enforce that conjecture.

The great tribulation with the Antichrist is almost upon us and like the almost prophetic song by Barry McGuire said, you see these things, "but you tell me over and over and over again my friend, Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction".
(Read about these many world trends and signs of the end times so that the coming great tribulation and great deception or strong delusion will not come on you unaware. You can escape the great trial and great tribulation that is coming on this evil prophetic generation by trusting in the Lord Jesus to save you from your sins.


Sunday, 9 August 2015

ISIS Forces Assyrian Christian Woman to Trample Jesus Christ's Image at Gunpoint

An Assyrian Christian woman who was kidnapped but recently released by the Islamic State terror group has revealed the jihadists stormed her home and forced her to trample on an image of Jesus Christ at gunpoint.
"They stormed in the door, their faces not covered. They put a gun to my chest and threw an image of Christ hanging on the wall on the floor. They asked me to step on it. I had no choice. My daughters and grandchildren were there. They took all of us to the river," the woman, whose name wasn't shared, told Al-Monitor in an interview posted on Thursday.
The woman was one of 253 Assyrians kidnapped by IS in a raid on 35 different villages along the Khabur River back in February.
Though the militants have released some of the captives, they are still holding over 200 Christians in bondage, and are demanding $100,000 each for their release.
The woman said that the rest of her family is still in the IS-held city of Shaddadeh, though she doesn't know what has happened to them.
She explained that IS took 85 people from her village of Tel Tamer alone, and that she saw her house burned down. The Assyrians were then thrown on a boat as they crossed the river, and then put on trucks to Shaddadeh.
"The first thing they did was to separate the men from the women. Children younger than 11 would stay with the women. From that moment on, we never saw the men and boys again. We were allowed, however, to send letters over to the men and receive theirs," she continued.
"They crammed all of us into a room with a single window. There was so little room we would take turns lying down to sleep. We would take turns by the window to breathe better."
She revealed that although she suffered great psychological fear while in captivity along with the other women and girls, they were not beaten or tortured, and escaped some of the horrific tales other captives have shared of their time in bondage.
Still, the woman said, "our lives were destroyed" by the kidnapping.
"I don't know why we were not beaten or worse, but I can tell you that for the entire time we lived in extreme fear. We were constantly threatened verbally," she said.
"They would say to us, 'We know everything about you. You speak and you are dead.' In our group no one accepted IS 'offer' to convert to be freed. But we knew that those who put up physical resistance from other villages were killed."
Western governments have been accused of not doing enough to help the Assyrian Christians, along with the other minorities being persecuted by IS across Iraq and Syria.
Nuri Kino, a worker with the A Demand for Action group, said back in June that Christians are massively being driven out of Syria, much like they are from Iraq.
"There is a gradual ethno-religious cleansing in the Middle East. It started in Iraq and has now come to Syria and we do not know when it will happen in other countries. There is an ongoing genocide in these countries," Kino said.
Jean-Clément Jeanbart, the Melkite Greek Catholic Archbishop of Aleppo, Syria, has also said that Christians are slowly dying in the war-torn country.
"What horrors must IS commit before the world will take greater action to stop the murderers?" Jeanbart asked in June. "Syrian Christians are in grave danger; we may disappear soon."

THE END HAS COME! St. Malachy predicted Pope Francis will be last pope

The prophecies of the Irish saint Malachy, the 12th century bishop of Armagh, have thrilled and dismayed readers for centuries. He has stated there will be only one more pope after Benedict, and during his reign comes the end of the world. So Francis could be the last.
The prediction in full is "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”
The father of the current pope was Peter or Pietro and was from Italy even though the family moved to Argentina.
In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time. We are now at the second last prophecy.
His predictions are taken very seriously. As one report states: "In 1958, before the Conclave that would elect Pope John XXIII, Cardinal Spellman of New York hired a boat, filled it with sheep and sailed up and down the Tiber River, to show that he was "pastor et nautor," the motto attributed to the next Pope in the prophecies."
As for the prophecy concerning the 111th pope, Pope Benedict, the prophecy says of him, "Gloria Olivae," which means "the glory of the Olive."
The Order of Saint Benedict is also known as the Olivetans, which many claim makes Malachy's prophecies correct. The next and final pope then should be "Peter Romanus."
St. Malachy gave an account of his visions to Pope Innocent II, but the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590.
Many of the prophecies are spot on. For example, the one about Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa (the lily and the rose). He was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figure a fleur-de-lis. Pope John Paul II is De labore Solis meaning "of the eclipse of the sun." Karol Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse.
Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his many journeys to new lands.
So will Benedict’s successor be the last pope? The Irish seer of the 12th century has said it will be so. Time will tell.


Saturday, 8 August 2015

Israel Refusing US Invite to Joint Military Exercises

The first operational consequences of the bitter dispute between Israel and the White House on the Iran agreement have begun to pop their ugly heads, as Israel is refusing extensive US offers of military and security cooperation, IsraelDefense and Makor Rishon columnist Amir Rapaport reported.
At this point, Israel is refusing to participate in a massive joint training exercise with the US military, scheduled for 2016.
The exercise, code-named Juniper Cobra 2016, was expected to include a long list of cooperative activities, and to include the US-financed Israeli missile defense system, which is partially based on American capabilities.
Over the past few weeks, Rapaport says Israel, in an unprecedented manner, has been doubtful as to its willingness to participate—compared to previous times, when the IDF went out of its way to take part in joint exercises, and, in 2012, complained bitterly that it was being kept out of a key NATO summit meeting in Chicago because of Turkey’s objection.
Now, paradoxically, according to Rapapaort, the Americans are all too eager to cooperate with Israel, while the Israeli political leadership has decided that the IDF will not cooperate with the Americans.
“This has given rise to the absurd situation where the Americans are willing to offer us more than we want to receive,” Rapaport writes.
Last month, immediately following the signing of the Iran deal, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter visited Israel to discuss a security compensation package the Americans were offering. But Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon politely declined. That was the first hint the Israelis considered the White House’s betrayal too fundamental to be paved over with dollar bills.
But the seeds of rancor were sown even earlier, according to Rapaport, when, during the 2014 Protective Edge operation in Gaza, the White House decided against sending Israel urgently needed supply of arms and ammunition which were vital to the IDF because of the unexpected length of the war (it ended up lasting 51 days).

That decision was nothing short of traumatic to the Israeli defense apparatus, states Rapaport, and that wound is yet to heal, even a year later.
One of the immediate results of that American military embargo (which extended to the UK, as well) was an Israeli decision to keep its ammunition production in local Israeli manufacturing plants, even when it is a project involving cooperation with the US, to prevent such an embargo from ever happening again.
Rapaport believes much depends on the outcome of the Iran deal vote—veto—override process in the US Congress. If the deal fails, recovery of the relationship between the Pentagon and the IDF will come sooner. Which means that, in typical Israeli fashion, this thing will remain unresolved until “after the holidays.”

Friday, 7 August 2015

God's Final Call of Mercy to the World

Please prayerfully study this information as it is of utmost importance for everyone.
In Revelation 14 we see three angels proclaiming, 'with loud voices', three important messages to the world. Also, in Revelation 18 we have another angel, 'crying out mightily' to the inhabitants of the world, giving God's final warning and call of mercy, and it is high time for the world to heed these final warnings, because we are living in the very last days of this earth's history.
What interests me, is that if you read these messages, which we will do below, you will see they contain very strong and dire warnings. Not just for unbelievers, but especially for those professing the Christian faith. And yet, these are messages of love, because God doesn't just show His love for us by saying nice things. He also shows His love by warning us, and telling us of the consequences if we don't heed those warnings.
But why is that 'interesting'? Because if you give these warning messages of Revelation to the professed Christian churches throughout the world today, the majority of them will tell you that you are not being 'loving' or 'brotherly' and will reject those messages. Which reveals a major problem with the majority of professed Christians today.
Please also see CHRIST AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS in connection with this page.
The Three Angels of Revelation 14
Revelation 14:6 ...'And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven.'
The first thing to realize with regards to these angels is that we are not going to see literal angels flying around the world giving these messages, even though literal angels have a an important role to play in this final message. Just as Jacob saw angels ascending and descending on the ladder, there are angels all over the world coming down from heaven, helping to impart light and power to God's people on earth. But these 'messengers' of Revelation 14 also represent God's true people on earth sounding the call of mercy to the world.
NOTE: Want to find God's true church? Find the faithful people actively giving these messages and warnings.
FIRST ANGEL - Revelation 14:6-7 ...'And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.'
Notice the angel has something to 'PREACH' to the world. So again, this shows it is symbolic of God's true people giving this message, even though angels still have an important part in helping to give light and power to us. And what important message to preach do they have? 'The everlasting gospel'. Did you know that the gospel is an 'everlasting' one, and that it was preached and revealed throughout the Old Testament? See the amazing truth of - HOW THE GOSPEL MESSAGE WAS REVEALED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT.
What does this first angel (messenger) tell the people of the world? He tells the world to ...
'fear God' - What does it mean to 'fear God'? Well, take a look at Proverbs 8:13 ... 'The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.' ... So living in the fear of God is to hate the things that God hates. To turn away from them and expose them.
'give God glory' - How do we bring glory to God in our lives? Exodus 33:22 says that God's glory passed by the mount where Moses was, and Exodus 34:6-7 reveals that glory - God's character: merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. So we are to SHOW God's character in our lives to the world, through the indwelling Spirit of Christ and His righteousness.
'the hour of God's judgment has come' - Is the world being judged right now? Well, think about this - When Jesus Christ returns at the second coming, what does the Bible say He has with Him? Revelation 22:12 ...'And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.' So for Jesus to have His reward to give us when He returns, what must have already taken place? Judgment! Right now in the heavenly sanctuary, the cases for all people are being decided. Do you have any faith? If you do, are you actually living in accordance with the faith you proclaim? This is what Jesus Christ and the Father are judging RIGHT NOW! They are finding out if we are living in according with God's Word.
'worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.' - Do you know what the angel is pointing us to here? He is pointing us to the CREATOR. And where do we find the Creator revealed? We find Him revealed in the creation story and also in the 4th commandment concerning the sabbath. So here we find EVOLUTION REJECTED! Also, this is a call to keep the 4th commandment which states that the 7th day (our Saturday) is God's true holy sabbath day. A commandment that has been 'forgotten' through the vain traditions of men!

Exodus 20:8-11 ...'REMEMBER the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.'
The 4th commandment is the only command that reveals who it is we worship. Keeping the true 7th day sabbath (not Sunday) is a sign that we acknowledge God the Father as the Creator and OUR GOD. It is a sign that we are giving allegiance to Him, rather than giving allegiance to man and his 'traditions'.
Revelation 14:12 ...'Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God AND the faith of Jesus.' - Here are the ones who have submitted to the ways of Jesus Christ, and have allowed Jesus to dwell IN them and change their hearts (Galatians 2:20) - Here are the ones who are clothed with the righteous garments of Christ.
SECOND ANGEL - Revelation 14:8 ...'And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.'
This is a simple message telling the world that Babylon is fallen and become a place of wickedness. But who is Babylon? Well, we had literal Babylon in the Old Testament, but this literal kingdom was destroyed and Jeremiah prophesied that it would never rise again as a literal kingdom (Jeremiah 51). Does God leave us in the dark concerning Babylon? No, He gives us a very detailed description of her in Revelation 17 and 18.

In the Bible a woman represents a church. A pure woman is likened unto God's true people, which means a harlot would be an apostate church. So who is this apostate church which is known Biblically as 'Babylon'? Well, she is the MOTHER apostate church, and she has 'harlot' apostate 'daughter' churches. She has the blood of God's people on her hands. She has committed 'fornication' with the leaders of the world. She has committed great wickedness and she has deceived the world with her 'wine' (false teachings). This description alone should reveal clearly to all who Babylon is. But for more evidence, please see the following:
THIRD ANGEL - Revelation 14:9-12 ...'And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.'
This is the most dire warning given for us living in the end times. And yet the majority of people will tell you that you are not being 'loving' or 'brotherly' by giving a message like this. And yet this is a message from God! So is God not being loving by giving this warning to the world? Yes He is, because what people don't realize is that THIS IS A MESSAGE OF LOVE. We know that the lost will not only receive the terrible plagues to come, but will also be cast into the lake of fire. So is it not 'loving' to warn people so as to STOP them being lost? Of course it's loving. But Satan has unfortunately turned people from the clear truth and turned them 'unto fables'.
2 Timothy 4:3-5 ...'For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.'
Satan would have us all turn away from sound BIBLICAL doctrine to cause us to unite with Babylon and draw us into his kingdom which is soon to be destroyed. Which is why these messages are so important.
This third message is a warning about receiving the mark of the beast. Now the majority of professed Christians would have you believe that the mark is just a physical mark like the RFID chip that the government will try to force upon us. But there is one big problem with this thinking, and that is the fact that a physical mark CAN be forced upon you. Which makes it null and void as the mark of the beast, because we CANNOT be lost by having a physical mark forced upon us. This issue is all to do with WORSHIP. Not a microchip!
Think about it! Can someone who receives a physical mark forced upon them continue to worship God in spirit and truth? Yes or course. And can someone who rejects a physical mark continue to live a life of sin? Yes! So can you see that both statements go against the mark simply being a literal, physical mark?
Look at what the angel says. He says that those who WORSHIP the beast and receive the mark will be lost. But the saints are those 'keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.' So how do we NOT worship the beast or receive the mark? By keeping God's commandments (including the 7th day sabbath) through faith in Christ Jesus.
Angel of Revelation 18

Revelation 18:1-4 ...'And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.'
This fourth message is a repeat of the second angel above, but with added power and glory, which shows us how important it is to find out WHO BABYLON IS. And why is it given with added power and glory? Because this is when the mark of the beast is enforced. And God will add that power and glory to this warning message because time will be almost up! Did you see the additional message, not from the angel, but from heaven itself? This is a message from God Himself and He is calling His people OUT of Babylon. He is speaking to the hearts of those who are still within Babylon, who have not seen the truth yet.
Yes, there are many of God's true people within Babylon. People who are living up to the light they have and are following the Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with what has been taught them. But this is the important fact about this dire warning and FINAL call of mercy from God. They HAVE to come out of Babylon. Once the truth has been shown them, they HAVE to be obedient to the truth and show true allegiance to God the Father and Jesus Christ. Otherwise they will end up sharing in the sins and plagues of Babylon, and be lost!
If you diligently and prayerfully read through the links provided above and compare the information with the Bible and history, you will find out the truth that Babylon the Great is none other than the Roman Catholic Church. Her 'harlots' being the fallen churches who have united with the Roman Church. So you have a decision to make. Stick with Babylon and her harlots, or COME OUT and join with God's remnant and truly follow the Lord Jesus Christ, our ONLY way to salvation!

Do you have a love for the truth?
2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 ...'For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.'
In connection with these 'four' angels messages and God's final warning to the world, please see this very important page from our end times prophecy website concerning health reform.
